Thursday, September 10, 2009

(3) The Witness of A Persecutor

(Note: This post is part of a series on proof of the deity of Jesus in the New Testament.)

Paul didn’t begin as a friend of Jesus. In fact, He persecuted and killed those who followed Jesus. You could conclude that Paul even hated Jesus. Hardly a man who would be a star witness for the deity of Jesus. But then, he met Jesus face to face (Acts 9). His persecution of Jesus and his followers became a passion for Jesus and his followers.

How did this man who ruthlessly fought against Jesus change his view of Jesus after he met him? Dramatically, completely, profoundly. To his friend Titus, he described Jesus as “our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ” (Titus 2:13). He told the church in Rome that Jesus is “God over all” (Rom. 9:5).

Paul used Jesus as an example of humility when he wrote to the church in Philippi, He said that these believers should have the same attitude Jesus had “Who being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped (Phil. 2:6)" Now this is a very striking statement.

According to The Bible Knowledge Commentary, this word “nature” translated “form” in some versions “stresses the inner essence or reality of that with which it is associated. Christ Jesus, Paul said, is of the very essence of God, and in His incarnation He embraced perfect humanity. His complete and absolute deity is here carefully stressed by the apostle. Warren Wiersbe adds, “The word “form” means “the outward expression of the inward nature.” And, A.T. Robetson commenting on this verse says, “In his preincarnate state Christ possessed the attributes of God and so appeared to those in heaven who saw him.”

Does it get any clearer than that? Paul is saying in no uncertain terms that before Jesus came to earth He possessed 100% of the nature of God. He was God. And just in case this point is not clear enough, he then goes on to describe Jesus as “equal” with God. When He came to earth, he “took on” or added 100% of true humanity to His absolute, 100% deity.

What an incredible witness! What clear evidence and proof of the deity of Jesus! But don’t bring Paul off of the witness stand yet. He’s just getting started. He’s got much more amazing testimony to give!
Next:  (4)  Paul Declares The Supremacy of Christ - PT. 1

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God is not a part of my life, God is my life! My passion is to know God to the fullest . . . to think His thoughts after Him . . . my heart beating with His heart. All for His glory and worship!