Sunday, September 27, 2009

(9) God’s Exact Image

(Note: This post is part of a series on proof of the deity of Jesus in the New Testament)

Reproductive cloning uses cell nuclear transfer to create animals that are genetically identical. In science fiction, you step into a chamber and an exact duplicate of you is produced. Neither is reality. Reproductive cloning does not actually produce a genetic equal, and the chamber is, well, science fiction. There are no two persons who share the exact same nature. Except when it comes to the triune God. In which case, it is three persons sharing the exact same nature.

The second wonderful phrase in Hebrews 1:3 states that Jesus is “the exact imprint of [God’s] nature.” This statement describes the nature of Jesus through the use of metaphor, using one thing to explain another. Here, He uses the process of making coins to explain that Jesus is God.

The statement contains two key words. The first is the Greek word charakter. Originally, this was an engraving tool or die used to cut something or to make a coin. Latter, it came to refer to an exact representation, duplicate or reproduction.

The second key word is hupostasis. This word refers to something that stands under or behind something or the true substance of something. Here, it is referring to God and speaks of God’s substance, or nature.

Martin Vincent explains:
Here the essential being of God is conceived as setting its distinctive stamp upon Christ, coming into definite and characteristic expression in His Person, so that the Son bears the exact impression of the divine nature and character.
Consider the explanation of William Hendricksen.
A die that stamps an image on a coin bears certain characteristics. When the die produces a coin, the coin is an exact duplicate of the die. Whatever was characteristic of the die is now characteristic of the coin. The nature of the coin is exactly the same as the nature of the die. Nevertheless, even though an imprint is the same as the stamp that makes the impression, both exist separately.
The illustration of this verse helps us think in terms we can understand. A coin is an exact replication or reproduction of the die it came from. Jesus is an exact representation of God. All that God is in His nature, Jesus is.
He is not just the shining forth of God, He is the very person of God. He is the exact representation of God's essence. And what is God's essence? He is God. He is the precise copy, the exact image, the exact reproduction. Language is basically pressed to its limits to try to express this. He is not just a sketch of God. He is not just a shadow like Old Testament pictures and images. He is the full revelation, the picture complete. (John MacArthur)
God is spirit. The Father has no material or physical substance. He is invisible. But here, the writer of Hebrews explains that the substance of God, His true nature is expressed in Jesus in a physical image. Jesus is an exact replication of God. All that God is in His nature, Jesus is. Jesus is God.

Next: (10) Did Jesus Claim to be God?

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God is not a part of my life, God is my life! My passion is to know God to the fullest . . . to think His thoughts after Him . . . my heart beating with His heart. All for His glory and worship!