Tuesday, September 29, 2009

(11) Jesus: Not Just Your Friend

So, what does it mean to know Jesus, up close and personal? It means that all doubt is dispelled and like Thomas, we cry out with absolute conviction, “My Lord and my God.” To know Jesus up close and personal is to know Him as God. Your God. He is not just a good man. He is not just a great prophet. For a good man or a great prophet would not have made the claims Jesus made or allow others to believe as they did.

He is not just our friend. Oh, never lose your firm grip on the wonderful truth that Jesus calls you friend. But, never, in this wonderful, heart-warming intimacy forget that He is God.

As God, He deserves your absolute submission, surrender, and obedience. Does He have it? Is He really your Lord and your God?

As God, He deserves your undivided, loyal and faithful love, devotion, and passion. Does He have it? Is He really your Lord and your God?

As God, He deserves your life to be a given over to the worship and display of His glory. Does He have it? Is He really your Lord and your God?

As God, He deserves your unwavering, confident trust in Him who is all-mighty, all-knowing, sovereign God of all creation, all authorities, all people, all circumstances, all your problems. Does He have it? Is He really your Lord and your God?

How well do you know Jesus? Do you humble yourself before Him as almighty God? Do you worship Him as God? Jesus, up close and personal is God up close and personal. Doubt no more!

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God is not a part of my life, God is my life! My passion is to know God to the fullest . . . to think His thoughts after Him . . . my heart beating with His heart. All for His glory and worship!